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Our customer service personnel will be more then happy to supply you with solutions to all of your service needs over the phone or email. However, if the representative is not able to give you an estimate over the phone or email then we will send a technician to give an in person estimate at no obligation to you. We pride ourselves with providing our clients with the best prices and service possible. So please don't hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-478-6088 or feel free to submit the contact form below and we will gladly provide you with an estimate for the job you require.

At we pride our self to give you the security consultation you need to better secure your home and business by providing the most up to date information on high security locks, safe, CCTV, intercom and access control systems available in the market today at the lowest price we can find for you.

Our locksmith services are just a phone call away.

Our automotive locksmith department is well trained and is capable of recreating keys for most of all the vehicles in the market today.

We are experts in making high security keys, transponder keys, and regular automobile keys.

Some of our emergency locksmith department operates by motorcycle to be able to overlap the well-known traffic in our city. Most of our locksmith will be there for you in less than 30 min after your call.

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